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Showing posts from September, 2020

Easy rider response

  Easy rider response  Within this scene, a variety of different techniques that range  from editorial techniques to audi o techniques   is used  to convey the emoti on of boredom  and portray the image of what substance  potentially  abuse feels like for the audience. The scene begins with a still eye-level shot with diegetic  sound, which potentially could be some construction,   of 4 adults who appear to be spending there day within a cemetery .  From the moment this scene opens, the body language that these  actors portray implies that they have reached a dead-end within their lives;  I would go as far as to say that they appear to be going through some  sort of existential  crisis. What drives this point even f urther is the lack of movement from the camera and sound  with the addition of the restlessness of the characters sitting down as if  they are  longing for something to happen with...